Change Pass
Version Information
Version 68.0 - 30/05/2024
1)Added Flag Wise Auto Effect Salary Slip In Accounting
2)Added Other Rights option in user mgt and approved disapprove tare wt user wise in Sales & Purchase
3)Added Manual Book No In Vehicle Hour and Print Added Effect In Vehicle Hours Report
4)Added Direct Trading Page In Sales Group
5)Added Gst calculation after discount applied in Royalty Bill And Show Bill Amount on Icon in Sales Forms
6)Added Total of Royalty Weight column in Daily Report
7)Added Check Box Wise Company Address in Sales Report Print(Flag Name Is - Is Display Company Address)
8)Added Multiple Item Option in Sales Report With royalty Report
9)Added Delete With Reason In Sale, Purchase and Accounting Group
10)Added All Type(Sale,Purchase,Site Transfer) Wise Search Filter in Carting Detail Report
11)Added Flag wise Allow sms for carting agent in diesel Out
12)Added Rate & Amount in Sales Out Sms
13)Add Contractor name,Loader name,Carting agent name,tare weight in Auto Purchase Entry Settings List Page
14)Supplier Name Auto Complete Functionality Added in All Purchase forms
15)Added DryMix Bill Optin In Carting Bill and Carting Bulk Bill
16)Added Functionality DashBoard Ordering User Wise
17)Added new Loader Wise Sale Deshbord
18)Added From Date Filter in Party Wise Outstanding Report
19)Added multiple Site selection In Customer Carting Rate on Create Time And Edit Time Shows Drop Down In Customer Carting Rate
20)Added Font Increase and Decrease button in Dispatch Detail Report Print & Purchase Goods Report Print
21)Added Shipped to Option in Other Bill in Manualbill
22)Checkbox wise Royalty Weigh show on Cash Bill Report
23)Added New Functionality Only admin Can edit rates ..for admin flag will not apply....flag will apply only on user
24)CheckBox Wise narration column on Purchase Royalty Difference Report
25)Add New Camera - Sequres Camera
26)Show Gross weight and Tare weight in sale out List page
27)Added From Days 31-45 and 46-60 on check box wise in Supplier Wise OutStanding Report
28)Added Diesel Out Auto entry
29)Added Royalty Name Option in All Purchase forms
30)Crusher Column Show in Purchase Out List Page
31)Added Driver Column in Diesel Detail report and Added Narration column in Day to day average report
32)Added Trip Column in Dispatch Detail Report summary
33)Added Sorting Option in Customer limit status report
34)Company rights wise party show in sale in forms
35)Added Advance and Credit Limit Filteration in Payment Due report and daily Report
36)Added Qty wise bill detail show and return reason reg in sales forms
37)Purchase Goods report Print show Filteration wise values in label
38)Added Taluka & District Coloumn For Customer Wise Site Import Data Time
39)Added Update Vechicle Type In Dispatch detail report
40)Basic Amount,Igst amiunt ,Sgst amount ,roundoff amount Show Total in Cashbill Report
41)Added Supplier Location in Purchase Import Excel Time
42)Allow Multiple Mobile no in Customer wise site
43)Added City state pincode in RoyaltyBill... When Direct Bill is tick in all sales forms
44)Added CheckBox Wise dc no,Qty,Narration columns Hide/Show In Transport Report
45)Added Token No in Single View of Mess Management
46)Added Token No Filter in Single View of Mess Management List Page
47)Added Narration Field in Entry Time of Single View
48)Show Camera image on Vehicle no in Sale in List page
49)Added E-Message Option in GSTR report for sales
50)Added Employee Data in Ledger Summary Report
51)Show grand total of the total amount in Sales Register With Product Detail Report
52)Added Udhyam No in Company master
Version 67.0 - 06/02/2024
1)Partial Payment added in Creditnote..you can add upto more than one credit note of any InvoiceBill
2)Auto Storebill Entry Through Puchase Entry
3)All Field Show in Secondary Crusher Report & Primary Crusher Report
4)Changes in BOM page 3 decimal values Allow.
5)User Rights - add/ edit/ delete / view / export
6)Added Supplier Location In Purchase Group
7)Crusher name And Royalty Wt CheckBox Wise in Daily Report Format2
8)Sales ton Wise dashboard Bug Resolved
9)Checkbox Wise Pan No Show in Billing Report
10)Open Storebill Popup in balance sheet report
11)Added Field Hsn / Sac Code and Is Service (Yes/No) in Credit Note
12)Added View - Month wise / Date wise In Loader Report
13)Diesel report Add in Auto Number in Horizantal Format
14)Display Delete Button Flag Wise for User for Pending SaleOut In List
15)Added new Report - Vehicle wise Working Report
16)Added Company In VehicleHour Page and List Page
17)Driver name compulsory flag wise in purchase form
18)All(all item show )Option add in sales summary report
19)Added New Module Vehicle Arrivle And Vehicle Allow
20)Added Report ALso - Order Wise Vehicle Arrival and Allow Details
21)Dropdown List replaced with Auto Complete for Supplier Name in Store Bill Page
22)Added Advance/Limit Option DryMix Module
23)Date Wise Filteration Add in Item Production
24)highest and lowest filter (shorting)add in daily Report
25)Show opening Column in Diesel Report
26)Added Item Choosen in Dispatch Detail Report
27)Group Name Multiple Selection in daily Report
28)Added Bank Option In All Sales Forms.
29)InActive Customer Show in Account Confirmation Letter
30)Added a Company Address in Sales Report and Transport Report Print
31)Added Image URL in Saleout Sms
32)Added Supplier In Loader master and Check Loader Wise Qty in Storebill
33)Added Rate & Amount in Sale Out Sms
34)In Direct Purchase Vehicle No Required Setting Based , In Setting Flag Name - Is Required Vehicle No in Direct Purchase
35)Manual Bill - Other Type - Message for HSN Code
36)GrnNo Check Company Wise
37)Added module type wise Filteration in GSTR Report for purchase
38)Added Multiple batch in Drymix
39)Rate auto come in Drymix entry and Add WorkOrder Functionality in Drymix
40)Added New report - DryMix Batch Wise Stock Report
41)User Can Change Supplier Name and Item Name,CartingAgent Flag wise in Purchase Out & Auto Purchase Module
42)Added Recipe Code in BOM and Production
43)Check Box wise Colums Show And Hide City, District Bill Amount, received amount in Party Wise Outstanding report
44)Header freeze In daily Report
45)Added QrCode Link In Vehicle Allow Page
46)Flag Wise Added Supplier Base On Vehicle in Purchase In, Auto Purchase and Direct Purchase
47)Month Wise Item Summary - Itemwise/Customer Wise
49)Show VehicleNo in CameraImage PopUp in Dispatch detail Report
50)Displayed Lease Name & Customer Mobile No Checkbox Wise (Flag Name Is - Is Display Lease Name) &Added E-Message Button in Customer Wise Billing Statement Report Print
51)Added Crusher Filteration in Purchase Daily report
52)Vehicle Date Reminder From Settings Days Wise
53)Added check box wise HSN code,TAX percentage ,state,unit in Sales Register With Product Detail Report
Version 66.0 - 22/12/2023
1)Auto Bill (ManualBill , Carting RoyaltyBill) Generation through DryMix Entry
2)Add Time wise filteration and Carting Agent Column show in Time Difference Report
3)Add Upload Document Option in DieselIn ListPage
4)Show All Secondary Crusher Column in Secondary Crusher Report
5)Add Crusher multiple selection In Purchase Gooods Report and Crusher Report
6)Show Checkbox wise Column Customer name,Station,Auto DC number,Vehicle number,M.T,R.M.T,Pass no in Time Difference Report
7)Add Site Wise Filteration In Issue Register Of Store Report
8)Add Batch Code column in Drymix entry and also show in Print
9)Show Checkbox wise Amount Column in Vehicle Carting Report
10)Show Active Item Customer wise Item
11)Add Postal Address in account master and Add Effect In Cover Print
12)Show auto no column and open edit option in vehicle report
13)Add Site transfer filter In Carting detail Report
14)Add On Account Detail Popup on the On Account column in Party Wise Outstanding report
15)Add Credit/Debit Note Print Popup in Ledger detail Report
16)Add Group wise filteration in Credit note and Debit Note Report
17)Add carting amt in closing balance sms
18)Add Checkbox Wise Is Display Summary in Customer Wise Item Summary Report
19)Add Bill Qty column For Carting and Diesel summary.
20)Add new Item Wise Usage Report
21)Active/Inactive Ledger Show in Group Mgt
22)Add Multiple Customer Login In Customer Login Module
23)Add Import Excel Option For Employee
24)Add Leave application form and Also Add Leave balance Report in Employee group
Version 65.0 - 13/10/2023
1)Display amount column checkbox wise in vehicle carting report
2)Item column add in purchase in list page
3)GST No Auto fill Done in Sales Pages
4)Add Export to excel option in Cash Book And Cheque Book Print Page
5)Company Rights wise company name show all reports Print Pages
6)Added Two Columns Checkbox Wise SSP No. and Rate in Sales Statement report
7)Credit not bill Quantity conversion bug resolved
8)Add Contractor filter in Purchase Daily Report & Purchase Goods Summary
9)Add Total Amount in Total Item Wise Sales Dashboard
10)Duplicate voucher no reg changes done in cashbook and cheque book
11)Cookies Base search data of sale out list page
12)Customer Wise Expired Date Report Modified
13)Add time filter in Mins Stock And Crushing Report
14)Continue print button in customer wise item summary report
15)Add Active/In-active customer filter in advance payment report
16)Add Sale in Date & Time in Dispatch Detail Report
17)Add Checkbox wise Display Driver Name and Royalty Weight in Combine Bill Statement Print
18)Add With royalty and without royalty filter in Purchase Goods Report
19)Add Supplier Net Weight in Purchase Month Wise Summary
20)Add Company Filter in Customer Wise Vehicle Summary Report
21)Added Toll Tax Charge in Carting Bill and Print
22)Checkbox wise Display Quantity in Combine Bill Print
23)Add Deletion Lock in party wise side
24)Show excel time ref code in vendor po report
25)Upload Document Option On Customer Wise Rate, Customer Wise Site, Account Master list Pages
26)Add download option below Narration column in Ledger Detail Report
27)Quantity Grand total in Diesel out carting wise report
28)Improvements in Dry mix Module
29)Add Column Remark in Diesel Out- Carting Wise Report
30)Add Document Attachment in Journal Voucher
31)Add weekly option in dashboard-attendance
32)Add sign option in quotation
33)Show diesel detail while Purchase data show in Carting detail report
34)Show Toll tax Charge, Manual DC No in Billing report
35)Add Toll tax charge in Manual bill and add effect in trial balance report and generate e-invoice report
36)Add Company Filter in Diesel Average Hour wise Report
37)Add holiday in Attendance Summary Report
38)Add Basic Rate, GST no column cash bill report
39)Add validation on root no in Root order mgt.
40)Diesel Entry time "Reading Hour " auto Compulsory
41)Item Wise Sale Dashboard Modified
42)Add supp. Net weight Checkbox wise in Customer wise View in Vehicle Carting report
43)Sub Ledger Effect in Cash bill Report
44)Material slip Number Check box Wise add in sales report with royalty
45)Add Vehicle Tare Weight Base on Weight in Vehicle Tare weight
46)Max size 2 mb and pdf file Validation add in document Master
47)Add Update And Delete Log in All Module
48)Add print option in salary management and Add salary slip option
49)Add Checkbox wise Multiple Customer Item Wise Royalty Rate
50)Add RCD charge in generate bill, Manual bill, Royalty bill and show in dispatch detail report
51)Ledger Detail Report Format Same As Accounting Group Ledger Detail Report type requirement in Customer Login
52)Add auto no filtrations and column Show in diesel in and out List page
53)Add Vehicle Wise Diesel Report
54)Show only Item Code in Vendor PO Print
55)Cashbook and cheque book voucher edit time voucher no change Bug Resolved.
56)GST Auto fill by Bills in credit note
57)Flag wise Cashbook /Cheque book old page open
58)Add purchase goods Report in Customer Login
59)Add log of vendor po Detail...from pending Vendor po Dashboard
60)Vehicle type automatically select through vehicle No in Purchase Entry
61)Add Customer Limit Dash bord in Customer login management
62)Add Cheque Print Option Save And Add row Option For multiple cash /cheque entry Pending
63)Add column remark in Customer wise rate
64)Store in and out entry via Barcode
65)Unit and royalty Qty check box wise in Sales Statement Report
66)Vehicle service reminder shows on dashboard bugs Resolved
67)Changes Received amount more than bill amount in Cashbook /Cheque book
68)Update Carting agent Update Link setting Base in sale out ListPage
69)Add Fuel type Column Diesel In List page
70)Add Dahua2 Type in Camera Setting
71)Add Company filtrations in Diesel Stock Summary Report
72)Add Purchase Token Entry module
73)Add Diesel Amount in Day-to-day vehicle Hour report
74)Add Inactive, Activate option in Customer Login
75)Add option for upload document in create payment and create receipt and Also Display in Report - Cashbook Report and Bank Report
76)Add Check All Bills Option in Credit not
77)Added Bank Summary Report on Dashboard
78)Add Vehicle Wise Option in Purchase TPH Report
79)Add an Entry type filter Site Transfer Report
80)Add po approve and Disapprove show in Vendor PO Print
81)Top Bottom Sales Report Modified
82)Add Driver name mandatory in Diesel Entry
83)Add Vehicle wise Filter In Purchase royalty Diiference report
84)Add Item Wise Royalty Rate FIX and Item Wise
85)Add Subledger Popup in StoreBill List Page and also add Effects in reports
86)Direct Purchase entry time Add Get Previous record button facility.
87)Add Item Code in Store In Print and Add Item Code and Brand Name in Vendor Po Print
88)Add column Last 3-month data show in Store dashboard
89)Add checkboxes Display Diesel Quantity and Display Diesel Amount
90)Add Send Mail Button in Credit Note Print
91)Add Checkbox in Diesel Detail Report
92)Restrict minus or 0 net weight Entry in Site transfer Module
93)Add New Payroll Wise Salary Report In Employee Group
94)Add Amount Column in Diesel Report when Display Type is Horizontal Format
95)Convert into vendor po From Purchase indent Resolved
96)Add Company Filter in Generate Bill List
97)Import from excel - check duplicate DC and Date in Purchase
98)Add Remark in Account Master (Sale and Purchase time)
99)Add Checkbox wise Driver Name in Sales Report
100)Add Wheel Position Name Battery 1 (BT1) and Battery 2 (BT2) in Add Tyre Issue To Vehicle, Add Tyre Inward, Add Tyre Receipt From Vehicle and Add Tyre Inspection
101)Add unit type ,remark column in store inward report
102)Add Time Filter in Purchase Daily Report
103)Flag wise made carting agent compulsory in Weighbridge Slip
104)Added Link to access detail while click on No Of Lead in Lead Summary report
104)Discount wise entry in store in and Store bill by GRN
105)Add group wise Filter in Advance Payment Report and Customer Limit Status Report
106)Store bill ton fetch by purchase Entry
107)Create new report Receive Wise Aging in Accounting Group
108)Add manually round off in store bill
109)Create Debit Note From Return Material
110)Advance customer alert msg functionality
111)Add e-message option in ledger detail report and ledger report
112)Add select all bill option while do payment Entry and add filter credit debit transaction in ledger detail report
113)Add Vehicle no Lock And add Pending Purchase Out link in auto purchase, purchase in list and Purchase Out
114)Add financial year lock month wise
115)Add Diesel Out Auto Entry Flag wise
116)Add Bill Inquiry report
Version 64.0 - 05/05/2023
1) Add manual slip no column in sales report with royalty
2) approved ,Unapproved PO display in Vendor PO print
3)Contractor wise Filtration in Vehicle Statement Report
4)Add Flag Wise Days approval of quotation rate
5)royalty Weight shows last in daily dispatch summary on dashboard
6)Invoice number show checkbox wise in Purchase Goods report
7)Show trip column in Purchase Goods Report
8)Add Column Royalty Weight and Difference in Sales Summary Format2
9)Add Month Wise Summary and Ledger Wise Summary in Bank Summary Report
10)No duplicate Bill No will be allowed in diesel in entry depends on Supplier wise
11)Closing and carting amount flag different add, and add another flag too (carting amount before gst) in customer wise billing statement
12)Add Dropdown Ton Wise And Quantity Wise Search in Sales Summary Report
13)Add Company And user wise weighbridge (sales, purchase , site transfer, weighbridgeslip)
14)Add Credit Note roundoff Row wise
15)Add Multiple Entry Option In Cash Book Cheque Book Entry
16)Show all data in account master print type wise
17)Add Pincode Number in Address column Account Master List Page
18)Add Back button in Create Store Bill
19)Freeze header in Purchase Goods Report , Customer Detail Report , Bank Report , GSTR Report For Purchase and GSTR Report For Sales Report
20)Gst Amount Calculation Row wise In Credit note
21) Add Print Option in Task Management List Page
22)Insert Time send mail to Assignee (checkbox wise - Is Send Mail to Assignee ?)
23)add Direct Company Rights in Customer
24)regarding Advance and Limit Site wise Rate
25)special character does not allow in purchase item
26)Royalty Name and Approx Gross Weight Order Management
27)Add New Weight MAX Limit
28)Add Credit Note effect done in Party wise outstanding report
29)Create New Report Sales Person Wise Ledger Detail Report in Accounting Group
30)Add Checkbox wise Km Column in Dispatch Detail Report
31)Carting Agent Disable in all Sales page flag wise
32)Display Site Name in Party Wise Rate Print and Display Site Address in Quotation Print
33)Label Change - Total Weight to Total Weight/QTY
34)Pending Carting Invoice Qty wise show in dashboard
35)added customer name in store out and issue register of store report
36)add item wise item target and add effect in target vs achieve report
37)IN 3B Report For GST Add Credit Note - AS Invoice And AS Voucher Add Effect In GST-R REPORT FOR SALE Grid And Add Module Name Column And Add GST-R REPORT FOR PURCHASE Add Debit Note AS Voucher Effect And Add Module name Column And Display Report: Search Type Add GST SUMMARY REPORT Add Credit Note And Debit Note Row
38)In GSTR Report For Purchase - Add Debit Note Effect AS A Voucher And Add Module Name Column
39)In GSTR Report For Sales - Add Credit Note AS Voucher And Invoice Effect And Add Module Name Column
40)Ordering by material slip number in dispatch detail report
41)Add Company wise Doc No and add company column to list in Deposit royalty
42)Return Vehicle Report ,Sales Month Wise Summary, Update Material Rate Report Customer name autocomplete
43)Add New Report - User Wise Visit Summary Report
44)Add Filtration (from date , to date and employee name) in Hour wise Attendance wise Visit Report
45)Add Email ID , Address and Mobile No in Account Master List Page when Click on Customer Name
46)Add exp.acc.ledger In Store Bill details report and Print Page
47)Show Data Checkbox wise ( Is Display Vehicle Wise) in Carting Summary Report
48)When Organization Mobile Number already exists then open pop up in Deal
49)R.M.T ,Time column Checkbox wise in Customer wise vehicle summary report
50)Add log of weighbridge slip in audit report.
51)Add Quantity Column in Won Deal Report
52)Add Filter Search By(Credit/Debit) in Ledger Detail Report
53)Add Multiple Customer Selection in Dispatch Detail Report
54)Add Manual DC No Checkbox Wise in Carting Detail Report
Version 63.1 - 17/03/2023
1)Add Trip Column in Item Wise Summary(Site Transfer Report)
2)Add Pending Company Rights Filter in Account Master List Page
3)Add Company filter in Royalty Bill List
4)Add filter From date and To date on Store Bill List
5)Invoice no wise Search Option Sale Out List Page
6)Loader report trip and ton count qty/ton , loader report compares with dispatch detail report
7)Add Option Item Name Select Multiple In Sales Report
8)Add Update Royalty Name in dispatch detail report
9)Add trip column in Sales Month Wise Summary report
10)Follow up and visit working on Deal List
11)Add Organization filter in Deal List
12)Add Vehicle Summary checkbox wise in vehicle carting report
13)Add cash memo in setting flag - Default Cash Memo Type for Cash Bill
14)All flag as cookies based in Customer site wise detail report
15)Add job in and job out Module in inventory Group
16)Add Job In-Out Report in Inventory Group
17)Add Item Name Filter Sale Out List Page
18)New Modified Salary Detail Report
19)Add Columns in Secondary Crusher same as Primary Crusher And also add Effect on Report
Version 63.0 - 03/02/2023
1) Add Vehicle No filter in Purchase goods report with rates
2) Add Customer Name in Vehicle Carting Report Print
3) Changes in Balance sheet report ,Ledger Summary Report, Trial Balance Report and Trial Balance Detail Report same as Ledger detail report -- Balance mismatch
4) Add start date and end date filtration in Customer wise rate list page
5) Check Item Name Get Or Bind In Sales Group And Purchase Group Using Special Character
6) He wants tab button work on weighbridge button(1,2,3,4...) in direct purchase
7) Flag Name-(Default Cash Memo Type for Cash Bill:) wise Royalty Bill and bulk Royalty Bill generate
8) Place of supply column add near GST code in manual bill
9) Order Management issue - KG item and Qty Item
10) On item Customer GST applied in direct sale in royalty bill
11) All company data show in Profit and Loss Report
12) Add Kilometer Column in Quotation Print
13) Add Company Filter in Sales Register Report
14) Add Utility Name Column in Diesel Out List
15) Is Display Quantity Based Item(Cookie Base) in Customer Wise Billing Statement Report
16) Flag Wise Qty Show in Material Dispatch Report
17) Add Amount Type Filter in Dispatch Detail Report
18) Add new report Top Bottom Sales in Sales Group
19) Add Send Mail button in With Statement and Without Statement in Sales Report With royalty
20) Add Quantity and rate in Tyre Vendor Po
21) Add Flag Is Display Invoice No in Setting
22) Add Filter with royalty and without royalty in Customer and Item Wise Summary Report
23) Add Import Excel Data Option in Cash And Cheque Book
24) Add tare weight and gross weight column in ATR Royalty Report
25) Add Flag wise Active - Inactive Vehicle show from Vehicle master in Diesel In and Diesel Out
26) Add Company Name in Employee Report
27) Add Credit Days Column in Party Wise Outstanding Report
28) Add Narration sale in laser print
29) Add Daily Dispatch Qty Summary in Dashboard
30) Restrict special character to add order management
31) Add Company GST number & Customer GST number in purchase order print
32) Add Flag wise hide show cheque print option in Chequebook Entry
33) Add Utility Dropdown in Diesel Management
34) Voucher Type wise data show in cash bill report
35) Add New Module E-invoice Login in Master Group
36) Add column checkbox wise Royalty Name and Royalty Weight in Dispatch report
37) Prefix Reg. On Invoice Customer change in manual Bill
38) Add Carting Agent Filter in Vehicle Wise Site Transfer
39) Add Carting Agent Filter and Add column in Data (Carting Agent Name) in Site Transfer Report
40) Add Filter Work Order No in Order management
41) Add New report E-Way Bill Generation
42) Add multiple customer selection in party wise outstanding report
43) Add Narration/Remarks column in On Account Entry Report
44) Add new Report Packaging Issued Production Site Transfer in Production Group
45) Add Remarks Column in Customer Ledger Detail Report
46) Add Moisture in sale page
47) In Pending Invoice Dashboard Control From date Consider Current Month's Previous Month First Date
48) Add new Order Schedule Vehicle Wise Module and Report
49) Add voucher type Column in Cash bill report
50) Add New Invoice Prefix in setting
51) Add Store filter in Inventory Report
52) Add Update Rate Button in Meter Usage Report
53) Add Mutiple invoice select option add in credit note
54) Add Column Basic Amount, CGST Per, CGST Amount, SGST Per, SGST Amount, IGST Per, IGST Amount, TCSPer, TCSAmt, Roundoff in Cash Bill Report
55) Add new report GRN Register in inventory group
56) Add Flag in Setting use ip camera in purchase
57) Add new report MIS Report for Expense
58) Add 61-90 days column is bifurcated into two columns 61-75 & 76-90 in Partywise Outstanding Report
59) Add Is Display Business Type checkbox wise in Daily Sales Report
60) Show HSN Code In Generate Bill and Bulk Bill entry time
61) Add Royalty Weight Column in Daily dispatch Summary Dashboard
62) Audit report camera setting log Update and Delete
63) Add remark and item HSN code in GRN Print
64) Remove Suppliers PO and Delivery date (duplicate) in generate bill, manual bill and royalty bill
65) Add flag IsDisplayContainersNo and IsDisplaySealNo in setting(sale group)
66) Add gross weight, tare weight, netweight and qty in sale out print
67) Work Order auto complete in Generate Bill
68) Add Still Bill image Link in Ledger detail report
69) Add new report Root Order Management in Order Group
70) Show Root Order no with Date in Order Management
71) Add Business Type checkbox in Daily Report
72) Lease bind user Company wise in all sale and purchase page
73) Customer name auto complete in root order management
74) Add Sales Marge for production item wise
75) Add bill detail in payment due report
76) Add Crusher Moisture Module in Site transfer
77) Add new Module Assign Supplier Wise Item Tax and Effect in Create Vendor po Supllier wise Item Tax Auto Fetch if assignx
78) Add New Entry Module Customer Wise Batch in Master Group
79) Add New Entry Module Pattern Management in Master Group
80) Add New Entry Module Labour Contractor Entry in Sales Group
81) Add New Entry report Item Stock in Purchase Group
82) Add New Entry report Loader Entry in sales group
83) Add Field in Item Master Is Display Batch and Is Display Pattern - If Check Display In sale page select batch an pattern compulsory selection based on item wise display
84) Show user rights wise diesel summary in vehicle carting report
85) Show Company Email-id in Quotation Print
86) Add Export To Excel in Category Master & Item Master(Inventory Group)
87) Add Work order no in Royalty Bill Print
Version 62.0 - 27/08/2022
1)Side Transfer In List And Side Transfer List Created By and date Updated By and date Column Add
2)Update customer site wise Field add in Update Party button In Dispatch detail report
3)Add dc no in ledger detail report Bill Detail Off Royalty Bill
4)Filter Add Bill party name in Cash Bill Report
5)Add bulk print of credit Note
6)Invoice Prefix Add IN ALL SALE PAGE
7)Add In ledger Report Employee Group Wise Search
8)New Column Add Checkbox Wise Out Newt Dispatch Detail Report Without Amount
9)Add new Report Pending Vendor PO Report
10)Multiple item entry Work order same name add
11)Add new Option in Vehicle log sheet Report Display Filter Format 2
12)Sale out entry DC no search by entre Key.
13)Dispatch Detail Report Display columns : ME Group, Business Type and Weight Per brass
14)Improve performance - Store Bill Detail Report
15)Display Diesel Out Summary Base on vehicle wise in Mis Report
16)Add Flag in setting Is Vehicle Type Compulsory : in purchase group
=>Vechlie type complsory in purchase page
17)Cash book list page company filter
18)Add new Dashbord Compny Wise Sales
19)Update crusher option in dispatch detail report
20)Show both company data user rights wise in sales report with royalty
21)Customer limit and advance issue resolve limit and advance report add empty vechlie detail link wise show
22)Vehicle Wise Logsheet Report performance Change
23)Roylty Stock Dashbord stock display in qty Base
24)Improve performance - GRN and Store Bill
Version 61.0 - 24/06/2022
2)Add Column min stock and max stock in stock statement of store report
3)Add Carting agent rate item wise in carting rate
4)carting detail report item wise Rate Display
5)update carting agent rate report Item Wise Rate Update
6)Document Upload Field Add in Create Vehicle hour
7)Document view Column Add in Vehicle List
8)Checkbox wise Loader Wise Summary add in Site Transfer Report
9)add filter display type wise customer wise and customer & site wise sales report with royalty
10)check box Wise narration option Add in sales report with royalty
11)add flag Is Lock Delivery Challan After Invoice in setting
12)he want to select department in attendance report more than 10(approx 30)
13)Add New Report Remove Tyre milage report
14)Vehicle Enable Disable in Sale Out and Autosales Flag Wise
15)Vendor PO Report Is Display Item Detail Checkbox Wise Show
16)Diesel Report - Vertical Format
17)add drop Down on j form report 3  Display item name
18)Dispatch report With filter "With Royalty/ Without Royalty".
19)Add In display camera image dc no,item name,royalty pass no
20)Vehicle Report Performance Change
21)Add Display Date Wise Diesel Summary in Carting Detail report
22)Add Trip Column vehicle summary carting detail report
23)Company Wise Filter Add in Stock Statement Of Store Report Formate 2,Stock Statement Of Store Report
24)Diesel Out List Pages Amount Show
25)Add narration in credit note invoice wise in  as display in ledger detail report
26)Order Management Dashboard  display Footer
27)secondary crusher other option hour add
28)Carting Bill Add Diesel Escalation
29)Send SMS to Carting Agent Flagwise Add in Purchase out , Auto purchase And Direct Purchase
30)Add User Wise Filter in Dispatch Detail report ,Purchase Goods Report,Site Transfer Report
31)ADD carting agent, Supplier / customer name and item in sale and purchase entry
32)Field will Visible LicenceNo
33)Limit Lock is Only Checking Material Dispatch Limit.
34)Add new Report Party wise statement With Carting Summary
35)Sales Statement Report Without Summary Requirement. add   Is Display Item Wise Summary check box
36)Site Wise Summary Report Add Group Filter
37)Add Group add site wise type  add site( customer name ).
39)Driver Mobile Number Add CheckBox Wise in Dispatch Detail Report
40)update loader button Add in Purchase Goods Report
41)customer wise item summary report new Column Add in Report CheckBox Wise " royalty weight  "
42)Sales month wise summary Customer Name Add in Mail And Print
43)Add flag in Setting Is Mandatory Pan in Sale Party Creation ?
44)camera List Page Add
45)he want to add carting agent in weybridge slip
46)Add Report in Trip Wise Profit And Loss Report tyre issue summary report ,item issue summary report
47)purchase summary dashboard control want to trip details
48)export to excel in vehicle master
49)Field Add in SiteTransfer List Print And Edit Time Print Button
50)Add Manual DC No(MDC NO) in Material dispatch Report
51)Add Checkbox wise ItemWise SupplierNet Summary in PurchaseGoodsReport
52)Update contractor Button Add in Purchase Goods Report For Update Contractor
53)Add New Dashboard Daily Dispatch Summary Shift wise
54)Add amount Column in Vehicle service report
Version 60.0 - 28/02/2022
1)Paymentag Aints Bill Report Performance Change
2)Stock Statement of store report Category  And Sub Category Filter Add
3)Sales Report With royalty Site Wise Rate Show
4)Sales report statement Sms Send telegram Functionality add
5)Add single print button In manual bill
6)Add Setting Is Display KiloMeter : and effect in purchase form
7)Send telegram message of sales report with royalty
8)Display km in carting detail report
9)Daily report Item display item order wise
10)Display remark in jv which are entered in remark option
11)Add rpass count in royalty report format 2
13)Display Balance For Bank and Cash in cash book cheque book entry page
14)Activity schedule Performance Change
15)Filter add Display Type Please Check in Site Transfer Detail Report
16)weightbrigeslip print amt show.
17)Purchase Goods Summary Performance Change
18)Diesel report stock issue resolve and display all stock in diesel out dashboard
19)Add supp.netwt column in vehicle detail in vehicle carting report
20)Add New Report ItemWise Po Detail Report
21)Add New Report Vendor PO Report
22)Diesel out entry rate show in list page
23)VehicalCartingReport print in add Supplier weight.
24)Add New Report Customer limit status report
25)Vendor po Supplier edit regarding
26)Store Out Auto no add
26)Store Bill GRN AND PO in Remarks Done
27)VehicleNo Mandatory In Diesel In
28)Admin want create payment and receipt entry sms
29)Company Name Added in PurchaseRoyaltyDifferenceReportPrint
30)Diesel Detail Report Carting Agent Not Show
31)Update Item , From Crusher , To Crusher And Contractor Add in Site Transfer Report
32)Purchase Carting Add in MIS Report
33)Carting detail report in want to Time wise filter
35)Store Inventory Auto Entry Option Add
Version 59.0 - 08/01/2022
1)Add new Module Sub Ledger Master Effect in Cash Voucher,Journal Voucher and Cheque Voucher
2)Add New report Subledger Report
3)Add New report Subledger detail report
4)If allow vendor po approval base mail not send create time only send approve time
=>if not allow then send mail create time
5)Sale report with royalty show site wise reg. AND REPORT OPTIMIZE
6) Attendance Report Department Filter Add
7) Attendance Summary Report Department Filter Add
8) Attendance Report Format 2 Deparment Filter Add
9) Employee Daily Work Report - Plant Filter Add
10)Gate Pass Entry Print Title Add
11)Add in direct sale,auto sale sale out if direct bill select type cash bill party name & address auto fetch same as type credit in sale Entry
12)Task Status Report With Users OR Task Status Report Filter issue USer or status wise.
13)Add Unique number Company wise "Complaint & suggestion".
14)Add Vehicle service mgmt print in "Bill number" ,"Service station name".
15)Add trip sheet in Diesel Bill Shown When only "Diesel Out entry".
16)Item name filter in sale report with royalty
17)Report optimize Material Dispatch Report
18)Direct sale entry time get previous record click allow lease change option Add
19)report optimize Dispatch Detail Report Without Amount
20)Bill OutStanding Aging Report Add Column - Pending Amount
21)Report optimize DispatchAndCartingDetailReport
22)Report optimize VehicalWiseSiteTransfer
23)Report optimize GroupDetailReport
24)Report optimize VehicleWiseDailyPurchaseSummary
25)Report optimize Diesel Detail Report
26)Company wise display diesel in show in carting detail report
27)Purchase Goods Report check box check marking add
28)Add New MinsStockandCrushingReportFormat2 in Purchase Group
29)Show carting agent name in transport rep. check box wise
30)Add Filter month wise in site wise summary report
31)Contra entry narration from To totansfer
32)Employee wise searching in cash book cheque book list
33)Primary Crusher Report (Add Plant Filter )
34)Add new report customer detail report
35)Add in sale entry page site crate time district taluka add in all sale page
36)Cruiser filter in daily report format 2
37)Add flag Is PO No Mandatory in purchase setting and effect in purchase entry page
38)GST Verification Link in Account Master
39)Add time wise filteration in "All carting Agent Report "
40)Add royalty weight in daily report format 2
41)Add in setting is drive name compulsory in sale setting effect in sale page
42)Store bill print in want to Item wise "remark" column
43)Address Added in store bill print
44)Submit And next button option in store bill
Version 58.0 - 29/11/2021
1)sale summary report royalty Performance Change
2)Add New ReportUPDATE Average Rate For Inventory
3)Add New Report Payment Over Due Report
4)Add Pending list  for auto sale and sale out display customer name
5)generate otp in login time message send
6)Customer bind Company wise in accounting group
Credit Note,Debit Note,Store Bill,Cashbook ,Chequebook,Journal Voucher,Pending Payment,Cheque Voucher Opening
8)separate column date & time in carting detail report
9)Customer Site Wise Detail Report Performance Change
10)Daily Report Format2 Performance Change
11)Purchase Daily Report Performance Change
12)task Status report add Task Description column add
13)Site wise summary report type wise Filter Add
14)Add Narration Filed and effect in vehicle hour report
15)automailid fetched in sale reports
16)AddNew Module gate pass
17)Add Check box Detail Show in  payment due report print
18)Add new module in purchase group purchase po
19)dispatch detail report driver wise filter add.
20)diesel detail report Show Carting Agent Name column add.
21)carting diesel rep purchaser name wise show
Version 57.0 - 21/10/2021
1)Add mess singleview list page.
2)Add token no in mess print,
3)Add company and token no in single view page
4)Add mess token dashboard
5)Add search vehicle no option autocomplete in store inward report
6)vehicle number suggestion not show in site transfer in and out entry
7)item code stock statement of store report format 2 and stock statement of store report  Both report
8)Add  new  Status Reach at destination in report dashboard  unloading time pod file upload option add in report and display file in report
9)All Bill Send pdf in telegram
10)Purchase Out Entry  manually tikit no option add
11)Purchase in list page in Column name "Gross weight"
12)vehicle carting report in time filter Add
13)Performance Change Diesel Summary report
14)Add Trip Sheet Module
15)Add Trip Document module option add . add trip sheet print
16)Add New Dashboard  Pending Approval For TripSheet
17)Add New Report  Trip Wise Profit and Loss Report
18)Add New Report  Trip Wise Earning Details Report
19)Add New Report  Trip Details Report
20)Add New Report  Trip Statement Vehicle Wise Report
21)Add in Vehicle  master   module  type auto complite
22)Add time wise filter in all grid in purchase report with summary
23)Performance Change  Contractor Wise Purchase Report
24)Add New Module Tyre Type Master
25)Add New Module Tyre Nature Master
26)Add New Module Tyre Size Master
27)Add New Module Tyre Rubber Brand Master
28)Add New Module Tyre Brand Master
29)Add New Module Tyre Issue To Vehicle Master
30)Add New Module Tyre Receipt From Vehicle  Master
31)Add New Module Tyre OutWard Master
32)Add New Module Tyre Store Transfer Master
33)Add New Module Tyre Vendor Bill Master
34)Add New Module Tyre Inspection Master
35)Add New Module Tyre Opening Tyre Inward Master
36)Add New Module Tyre Vendor PO Master
37)Add New Report Bill Not Raised For Tyre Report
38)Add New Report Current Tyre Inspection Report
39)Add New Report Inward Tyre Stock Details Report
40)Add New Report Inward Tyre Stock Report
41)Add New Report Inward Tyre Stock Report
42)Add New Report Issue Tyre Stock Report
43)Add New Report Location Wise Tyre Stock Details Report
44)Add New Report Outward Tyre Stock Details Report
45)Add New Report Outward Tyre Stock Report
46)Add New Report Receipt Tyre Stock Report
47)Add New Report Tyre Inquiry Report  
48)Add New Report Tyre Inspection Report
50)Add New Report Tyre Stock Details Report
51)Add New Report Tyre Stock Report
52)Login Time Genrate Otp Option Add
Version 56.0 - 08/09/2021
1)Sales Item And Carting Wise Summary Report - Add company Filter
2)RoyaltyDeffrenceReport Add Royalty Name Filter and Add Item Summary Check Box Wise.
4)Quotation Is Display Purchse Workorder Wise
5)Add New Module Employee Daily Work
6)Add New Report Employee Daily Work Report
7)item wise searching filter in stock statement of store report
8)add File column in Store bill Detail Report
9)add item filter and add all in Typer filter in item wise stock report
10)LoaderReport Performance Change
11)Add Site transfer in Dashbord in Want to Trip Count
12)create primery crusher entry time-- manually time add.
13)Bank Reconciliation Un update Opption Add
14)Is CartingBill Depends on Compny Wise base on setting and carting bill compny wise
15)Customer wise biling statement report in Royalty rate issue
16)Add in setting flage Is Send Sms Supplier: and sms send for purchase entry for supplier
17)Sales Register With Product Detail Report reg Performance Change.
18)customer wise rate print Performance Change.
19)add purchase create option add and purchase name auto complite in store in entry
20)Advance dashbord and advance limit check bascic rate wise
21)Add New report Bill Wise Lock For GST Report
22)Crusher Report Format 2 Performance Change
Version 55.0 - 22/07/2021
1)add New Module Expense Type  
2)add New Module marketing Expense
3))add New Report marketing Expense Report
4)employee list page searching by company
5)add New Module vehicle model master
6)add New Module Tripwise Virtual Expenses master
7)add New Module EmptyVehicle Entry master
8)Customer Limit carting wise count
9)Cancel E-Invoice API Add
10)Update Material Rate Report Type Wise Add Filter
12)Customer Rate Summary Report Performance Improvement .
13)Sales Item And Carting Wise Summary Report Performance Improvement .
14)Return Vehicle Report Performance Improvement
15)Pending Sale Out Report Performance Improvement
16)Sales Report Format 3 Performance Improvement
17)Sales Statement Format 2 Performance Improvement
18)Sales Summary Report Format 2 Performance Improvement
19)Is Store Out Depends on Purchase Indent Add Flag in setting and effect in store out list page
20)Sale Out & Purchase Out Print in Time 12 Hours Format
21)add New Report Clear Royalty Report
22)Lease Wise Trip Report Performance Improvement
23)Customer Wise Billing Summary Report Performance Improvement
24)sales report regarding DC NO  add check box wise
25)Crusher Wise Sale Report Performance Improvement
26)Customer And Item Wise Summary Report Performance Improvement
27)Purchase Month Wise Summary add Display Type Month/Supplier Wise
28)Add Flag in setting get pass sms in sale out setting  base
29)Site Wise Summary Report Performance Improvement
30)Site transfer report in want Vehicle Filter.
32)Vehicle no autocomplete in vehicle report
33)vehicle no autocomplete in site transfer out list page
34)sales income dynemic ledger in All Bill
35)Pending Sale out List - Delete option for admin
36)Time Difference report  Performance Improvement
37)Diesel Tank Quantity,Working Quantity in vehicle hours report.
38)add manually time in secondary crusher
39)SalesSummaryReport Performance Improvement
40)he want display loader in sale out list page
41)check box wise - item wise summary time difference report
42)All company wise trial balance
43)he wanted utility and plant option for selection in create purchase request
44)Order Management Report Add (carting type)
45)Sales Collection REPORT - (Invoice wise / DC wise), Summary Group wise
46)Display area in diesel out setting base
47)Display area in diesel report vertical format  if selected in setting true
48)order ment list page created date with also show time.
49)add New Report  Material Dispatch Report
50)qty wise sale display in sales dashboard control
51)sales entry less then 100 kg requirement ..
52)Is Display  Rate And Amount  Sale Out List  Add in Setting Flag  And Effect in Sale Out List Page  If Chek Display Rate And Amount
Other Wise Not Display
53)purchase goods report in Moisture not calculate in net total
54)Material Slip No: - add in material dispatch report also check box wise
55)Add New Module Root Order Management.
56)Add net Module Update Telegram  Id.
57)All Sms Send By Telegram Api.
Version 54.0 - 08/06/2021
1)page number wise filter In Carting wise Rate.
2)Supplier Payment Due Report Report (group name Show Check Box Wise).
3)Lease wise Filtration in crusher report.
4)Customer And Carting Rate Report Performance Change.
5)Supplier Payment Due Report Type wise data Display .
6)Sales Month Wise Summary - Date Wise also.
7)Add sale out bulk print option.
8)store inward report 2 - add rate column.
9)Deal Module Performance Change.
10)cancel e-invoice API Add in Generate E-Invoice Report.
11)Add a Column (HSN Code) in Stock Statement Of Store Report Formate 2.
12)Add ssp no Royalty Report Format 2.
13)Add New Report Billing Summary Report.
14)payment due report type wise data Filtration .
15)pending invoice for Show  qty wise in dashboard.
18)Add a filter(Follow up date wise and Entry Date Wise) in PAYMENT FOLLOW UP REPORT.
20)Sales Out list Display Rate And Amount.
22)Group wise Filtration in sales Month wise summary report
23)Add Vehicle No wise Filter In Sales Report With royalty.
24)Add one column Material Sleep No in Import SaleOut  ExcelSheet.
25)company validation remove in sales target entry page.
26)group wise data Display in targetVSachievementReport.
27)Display  Comment/ reason Cancel order in Order management report.
28)Order management in list pages Filter not working (pending/ cancel/complete) issue resolve.
29)Daily Book Report Change  Performance Change.
30)Pending GRN for Store Bill Report Add supplier Name.
31)Broker Wise Sales Report Performance Change.
32)Checking RPass Report  Performance Change.
33)VehicleReportFormat2 Performance Change.
34)Item Wise Stock Report Performance Change.
35)Loader Report Format 2  Performance Change.
36)LoadingDetailReport  Performance Change.
37)Crusher Wise Sale Report  Performance Change.
38)Customer Rate Expired Report  Performance Change.
39)Material Issue Report  Performance Change.
40)Create New Report Cash Book Summary Report.
41)Check box wise show carting nAme in Transport Report
Version 53.0 - 20/04/2021
1)Day To Day Vehicle Hours Report Month Wise And Year Wise Add
2)Sale out entry item edit option Funcnality add
3)Manual Production wise data in Production report and Production stock report Display
4)Vehicle Carting Report  Display Amount Colum
5)vehicle log book report Diesel In/out Wise Qty And Amount Display  
6)Goods receipt note Chaln no alphanumeric allow option add
7)Add Payment Follow Up Report
8)Sales Collection Report Performance changes
9)Quotation print Display  Qty And Amount Total
10)Add working hours diesel in entry direct out time
11)Pending invoice Report Type Wise Filter Add
12)Attendance Report  Add Department coloum
13)store out remark show print - store out list page item full  
14)User Wise Balance Display in cashbook Cheque book and contra
15)Royalty Difference report add narration coloum
16)site transfer print add from crusher and to crusher
17)Add station Wise Camera Setting module
18)All Sms Send Company Wise.
Version 52.0 - 24/03/2021
1)Add New Module Manual Production
2)PrimaryCrusher Add meter reading regarding
3)SecondaryCrusher Add meter reading regarding
4)Purchase Entry Performance Improvement
5)Add Filter Group wise and Date wise in order management report
6)Add Multiple group selection in customer
7)if group assign customer customer update time remove group  issue resolve
8)display group multiple in customer list page
9)Purchase Royalty Difference Report Performance Improvement
10)add new report Customer Wise Item Summary Report
11)Add Deal Time Existing and new  Filter add auto complete  Organisation Name
->bind Organisation Name  wise  Organization Mobile No,Organization Address
12)daily blasting report change supplier wise filter issue resolve
13)Generate Bill -> Add new Future regarding - Basic Rate using setting base
14)add customer carting rate fix wise km and vehicle type wise
15)carting rate fix wise km and vehicle type wise
16)carting royalty bill Fix And Km Wise Create Option Add
17)carting bill Fix And Km Wise Create Option Add
18)carting bulk bill Fix And Km Wise Create Option Add
19)Direct carting bill Fix And Km Wise Create Option Add
20)All Carting Agent Report Fix And Km Wise Filter Add
21)Carting Detail Report Fix And Km Wise Filter Add  
22)Vehicle Carting Report Fix And Km Wise Filter Add
23)Transport Report Fix And Km Wise Filter Add
24)Update Carting Agent Wise Rate Report Fix And Km Wise Filter Add
25)Update Customer Carting Rate Report Fix And Km Wise Filter Add
Version 51.0 - 01/03/2021
1)Add Business Type wise IN Daily Report
2)cookies thorough checkbox check uncheck in carting Detail Report
3)vertical 2 print for Diesel Out for samaystone
4)Add New Report Date Wise Cash/Credit Summary Report
5)he wanted to optional comany name in webridge slip print
6)Customer Limit List Page - Auto Complete
7)Loader Sms Change
8)Add In Setting Base Royalty Pass Check By If Allow Dublicate Roylty pass check false its display
10)disply bill party name and address and all coloum display check box wise and all columm check box cookis base checkd
11)Add New 4 weighbridge
12)Purchase Entry Form Lease Auto Bind Last Entry Wise
13)Add Weight Per Feet In Item Master And Display In Sale Page
14)Dispatch Detail Report Disply Quantity assumption,Diff Feet,Diff %assumption
15)Primary Crusher Add Meter reading.
16)Secondary Crusher Add Meter reading.
17)Add New Module Manual ProductionConfig
18)Time Difference Report Add Loader Name.
Version 50.0 - 05/02/2021
1)Advance  Payment dashboard Performance Improvement.  
2)Dashboard  Loading  Performance Improvement.
3)vehicle statement report company wise filter Add.
4)Diesel Print Add Customer Wise.
5)Vehicle Service report Performance  Improvement.
6)Vehicle carting report list Item Wise Search add.
7)Customer Wise Billing Statement - Changes Display carting and closing amount checkbox wise Display.
8)add diesel-in auto no in diesel detail report print.
9)checkbox wise round off amount and add bank details in Quotation print.
10)add new print (Vanrajbhai) for dieselin same as default laser print but without auto no.
11)add VdsCrusher print in sale out.
12)Quotation Display vat And Add Vat cgst sgst customer wise display and print cokis wise .
13)Add Bill wise Format Data in Display type in Billing Report.
14)purchase daily Add lease Wise summary .
15)Purchase out entry Royalty pass Duplicate allow Add  Flag Wise .
16)Loading Detail Report Performance Improvement  .
17)Site Wise Summary Report  Performance Improvement .
18)Order Management Add LicenceNo,CartingName Crusher,Loader
19)Add New Report Contractor Wise Purchase Report
20)Add New Module Contractor Wise Rate
21)Add New Report Generate E-Invoice Report
21)Add New Option Add Generate E-Invoice 
Version 49.0 - 27/11/2020
1)crusher bill print and edit option add
2)customer login Performance Improvement
3)add diesel escalation column and tcs charges column in billing report
4)Want To billing report Checkbox Cookie Base Display Column
5)Purchase Out list pages in Item column Display
6)manual bill with carting Performance Improvement
7)Summary Wise Data in Vehicle Wise loGsheet report
8)credit note voucher Wise Display Detail show in ledger detail report
9)Pending Invoice Report Type Wise Add Filter
10)Add New report sales vs collection summary
11)Add Days wise Functionality in Customer limit.
12Daily Blasting Report Performance Improvement
13)Add New report Customer Rate Expired Report
14)Group name Wise Filter Add Customer & site wise carting Analysis report
15)Daily Report Performance Improvement
16)Add Functionality Site Wise Quotation Rate In Quotation
17)Ledger report Performance Improvement
18)user want to delete more than 10 entry in diesel in/out entry
19)Add New Sale Print vertical QR code
20)Cheque format amount in Indian currency type display
21)Purchase Goods Report With Time - Display Out Date
22)Site Transfer List Page display Gross Tare
23)Store bill print in add IGST / CGST / SGST/ TCS amount
24)Designation Column Add in Employee Attendance Group
25)in daily report add two column carting amount and gross sales
26)sales item and carting wise summary report add group option
27)In PRODUCTION REPORT there should be option for collective report for all crusher and selected date range
28)Create List page In Attendance Hour Wise
Version 48.0 - 30/10/2020
1)Add Filter Pod Status Wise in Dispatch Detail Report Without Amount reprt and pod columm add in report
2)DieselQTy total in vehicle logsheet report
3)Payment Due Report Business Type and Group Name Columm Add
4)add GST no column in export to excel in account master
5)From Date And To Date Wise Search Add In Billing List And Manual Bill List
6)Sale Delete Log Change add In Audit Report
Version 47.0 - 15/10/2020
1)Ledger Detail Report Open Store Bill Form Store Bill Entry Update Issue Solve
2)Exclude With Brass Funcnality Add in All Matiral bill
3)Customer And Item Wise Average Rate Report item qty and billing report Add Royalty Bill
4)saleout list page Optimize
5)Day to day vehicle Hour Report Optimize
6)Advance Rights Funcnality For Only Report Rights Wise
7)Add TCS Charge Apply In All Matiral bill
Version 46.0 - 08/10/2020
1)vehicle service Management print button potion Add
2)Cash Bill Report-Display CheckBox Wise Column
3)Add weighbridge 7,8 and Effect In All Sale Purchase and Site Transfer Entry Module
4)regarding Order Management - Customer Login  Performance Improvement
5)Empty Truck Pending Performance Improvement
6)Add Brand Master Effect In Inventory Module
  1) In Purchase Request Add Brand Option And Stock Show Brand Wise
  2) In Store In Add Brand Option And Check In Import To Excel To Store In Data
  3) In Store Out Add Brand Option And Stock Display Brand Wise
  4) In Return Material Add Brand Option Item Name And Item Code AutoComplete And Stock Display Brand Wise
  5) And Also Check In Issue Register Of Stock Report Format 2 To Update Store Out Entry
  6) And Also Check If User Have Only One Company Rights Then Select Default Lease Same As Store Select By Default Check In Store In And Store Out
  7) In Store Out Add Validation User Can Not Enter Rate Grater Than Average Rate
7)Added Advance User Rights Effect In Bellow Group
  1)Diesel & Vehicle Group
  2)Inventory Group
  3)Accounting Group
  4)Carting Group
  5)Order Group(And it's Report)
  6)Quotation Group
  7)Site Transfer Group
8)Add New Report Dispatch and Carting Detail Report
9)Royalty Pass Auto Increment in purchase Setting Base
10)Meter Usage Report  Performance Improvement
11) Added Purchase Option In day to day average report
12)Royalty Bill List Add Searching Option
13)Vehicle Hour List Add Searching Option
14)j Form All Report Ssp No Display CheckBox Wise
15)Add New Report Vehicle Wise LogSheet Report   
Version 45.0 - 04/09/2020
1)Quotation Print Performance Improvement
2)Diesel IN Out Performance Improvement
3)Add Field Brand Name In Purchase Item Excel In Import Excel
4)cash bill report Display Narration
5)Mins Stock And Crushing Report add Company wise Filter Add
6)Daily Purchase Summary Report Vehicle Wise Add Crusher Wise Filter
7)Add Contact Person Name And Contact Person No Column In Payment Due Report
8) Add Brand Master Field In Purchase Master
9)Gst R Report For Purchase Performance Improvement
10)Journal Voucher Print Option Add
11)Party Wise Rate Performance Improvement
12)Account details along with vehicle details In excel
13)Add Day Period 0-15 And 16-30 In Party Wise Outstanding Report and Bill Outstanding Aging Report
14)ADd module broker contract rate
15)Crusher wise sale report want Option summary add item wise summary option and Crusher wise summary option
16)Webbridge Slip Report
17) Add Item Code In Store In n Inventory Group
18)Add Narration In Diesel Out Print Vertical And Laser Print
19)Changes In Attendance Report
20)Check Box Wise Status Hide Show In Dispatch Detail Report
21)Add time wise search option in site transfer report & site transfer detail report
22)Add Please Wait Option In Goods Receipt Note Entry Submit Time
23)Settinf Base Display Filed Diesel In
1)Is Display Mac No In Diesel In
2)Is Display Address In Diesel In
3)Is Display Phone In Diesel In
4)Is Display Mobile In Diesel In
5)Is Display Rate In Diesel Out
6)Is Display Amount In Diesel Out
7)Is Display Narration In Diesel Out
24)Add Setting Customer Depend on customer and Cash in all sale page effect
25)Setting Base Display Filed Sale Page
26)Setting Base Display Filed Customer Wise Site
27)Multipal vehicle Wise Search add Purchase Goods Report
28)Item Can Not Edit In Purchase Master If Item Used In Store In And Store Out
29)Add Business Type Filtration
1)Sale Summary report
2)item Cum Party Wise Report
3)Daily Report
4)Month Wise item Summary Report
30)Account Master Add Customer Vehicle Update Option add
31)Site Transfer in Item Validation Bug Resolve
32)Added Date Wise Filtration In Purchase Month Wise Summary
33)Stock Statement Of Store Report Optimize
34)Added Bank Detail In Export To Excel Account Master
35)Add Item Name Column In Pending Sale Out Report
36)Added New Report "Supplier Wise Purchase Summary Report" In Purchase Group
37)Add Subject In Quotation Print Below Customer Address
38)Check Return Reason Functionality In Sale
39)Add Owner Name Column In Diesel Report
40)Add Customer Crating Gst Per
41)Purchase Item in Inventory Serching Issue Resolve
42)Add Diesel Escalation In Manual Bill Filed Add and Print change
43)PURCHASE IN /OUT LIST PAGE Performance Improvement
44)DailyReportFormat 2 Optimize
45)Checking RPass Report Optimize
Version 44.0 - 04/07/2020
1)Check Return Reason Functionality In Sale
2)Add Functionality Driver Name /Licence No: Bind Vehicle Wise in All Purchase Page
3)Add Functionality Send Mail Option added in PrintMultipleRoyaltyBill
4)Add New Return Vehicle Report in Sales Group Base On Return Reason In Sale Out Entry
5)Purchase In /out List Page Performance Improvement
6)Sale in/Out List PagePage Performance Improvement
7)Added Month Wise Filtration in ListBlastingAndDrilling
8)Add Company Name,Store Name,Time,Item Code,Unit Type,Utility Name Column Changes In Issue Register Of Store Report
10)Show Last Entry First And Add Filter Service Type Name Autocomplete In Vehicle Service Management List Page
11)Added Vehicle No Wise Search In Pending sale out list & Pending Sale Out Report
12)Added new module "Document Wallet" in utility group to upload Document And Download It
13)Carting Detail Report Performance Improvement
14)Diesel in Out Display Fuel Name in Print
15)Crusher And DateWise Filtration added In ProductionConfig
16)Daily Report Foramte 2 Performance Improvement
17)Purchase Goods Report Lease Wise Summary Add
Version 43.0 - 11/06/2020
1)Print Option In Store Bill List Page
2)Active And In Active Store Features Add And It's Effect In Inventory Group Bind Store Time Create Time Bind Active Store And Edit Time Bind All Store
3) Add Upload Document Features In Employee Group In Employee List Page
4) Add Employee Print In Employee List Page It Open Employee Card Column
5) Add Employee Create Time Upload Employee Image
6) Add New Job Card Report In Diesel And Vehicle Group
7)Add Job Card Module
8)Cashbook Chequebook Contra jv Performance Improvement
9)Amount Word Show On User Wise All Bill
10)Add New Module Stranded Rate And Effect in Quotation Create Time Get Stranded Rate
11) in Goods Receipt Note List Page Show Po Code
12) In Goods Receipt Note Create Time Show Vendor Po Rate And It's Print Show Grn no And Created User Name And Date
13) In Goods Receipt Note List Page Print Option
14)Vendor PO Create Time Entered Remarks Show Goods Receipt Note Created Time
15)Add Company Filter In sale Out List Page
16)Sales Report Performance Improvement
17)New Report Added For Loader Detail Report
18)Carting agent check compulsory In Purchase Setting Base in all purchase entry page
19)Payment Due Report Format 2,3 Performance Improvement
20)Add New Master module business Type
21)Is Allow Get pass sms send sale in sms for crusher mobile no
22) Added Emp Code in AttendanceSummaryReport
23)Added Emp Code in AttendanceReport
25)Mins To Crushing Supplier/Vehicle wise summary Report
26)ledger Detail Report Amount Check
27)ADD District Column In PaymentDueReport and PartyWiseOutStandingReport
28)Customer Rate Summary Report Type Wise Filtration
29)Daily Blasting Report Performance Improvement
30)Site Compulsory setting based check
31)Fuel TYPE Wise Display Stock
32)Dispatch Detail Report Pod Status Wise Filtration
33)CREATE NEW REPORT Supplier Wise OutStanding Report
34)Add Driver Name in DieselIn Print
35)Carting Bill List Page Print Single Option
36)Diesel in /out Excel Sheet Option Add
37)Multiple Vehicle Wise Filtration in Purchase Goods report
38)purchase Date Wise Summary Ton /Qty Wise Filtration
39)Issue Register Report Performance Improvement
40)Alert Sms Customer Alert Limit Setting Base
41)Add Item Code In Store In And Store Out and Item Code Depends On Item Name And Item Name Depends On Item Code In Both Store In And Store Out In Inventory Group
42)Customer Limit Export To excel Option add
43)Last entry in Pending Vendor PO Should Show First In Dashboard Control
44)Last Entry In VehicleServiceMgmtList Should show First in Page(Or Top Of All Record(Entry))
45) Inventory Report Performance Improvement
46) Stock Statement Of Store Report Performance Improvement
47) Stock Statement Of Store Report Format 2 Performance Improvement
48)Added Print Option In Vehicle Hour Page (VehicleHourList.aspx)
49)Is Business Type Compulsory In Customer
50)Business Type Filter Payment Due Report
51)Business Type Filter Payment Due Report Format 2
52)Business Type Filter Payment Due Report Format 3
53)Business Type Filter Party Out Standing Report
54)Customer Limit Display Created Name And update Name
55)Display Item Order By Name For Stock Statement Of Store Report in (StockStatementOfStoreReport.aspx) Page
56)Vehicle service Dashboard Change
57)Add Flag In Setting Is Quotation Base on Standard Rate
58)Customer Limit Dashboard Optimaize
59)Sales Report Display Royalty Weight Check Box Wise
60)Add New Report Journal Vouchar Report
Version 42.0 - 24/02/2020
1)Performance Improvement Purchase Report With Summary
2)Performance Improvement Gst R Report For Sales
3)Add New Functionality Vendor Po Discount Wise Calculate
4)Performance Improvement Sales Report Change
5)Cashbook Report Display Discount Amount and commission Ton
6)Performance Improvement Customer Rate Summary Report
7)Performance Improvement Billing Report
8)Performance Improvement in Generate Bill,Manual Bill,Royalty Bill
9)Add Functionality Purchase Goods Report Update Item Option
10)Add Functionality Send Mail After Create Vendor Po Setting Base
11)Vehicle Hours Report Required Work Type filter .
12)Purchase Goods Report Display Manual Dc No And order by Filtration Manual Dc No Wise
13)Loader Report Purchase type wise with Loader Amount
14)Add Functionality vehicle active /inactive option
15)Add Functionality Employee active /inactive option
16)Performance Improvement Customer And Item Wise Average Rate Report
-Is Display Item Summary Check Box Wise Display
17)Performance Improvement Store in,Store Out Print
18)Check Purchase Qty Setting Base in Store Bill Create Time
19)Add Auto No Diesel In/Out
20))Add Functionality Purchase Item active /inactive option
21)Performance Improvement Party Wise Rate List
22)Date Filter in Chequebook list
23)Lease Filtration Goods Out list
24)Performance Improvement Diesel In Print
26)Performance Improvement Sale Entry
27)Add Functionality Customer Limit All Company wise
Version 41.0 - 29/11/2019
1)User can change the customer name in Sales Out
2)Add new Functionality In User management -> Copy User
3)Add New Report Sale Group -> Customer and item wise summary report
4)Add Functionality sms format setting customer wise  
5)Performance Improvement Purchase Carting Dashboard Site Transfer data
6)Performance Improvement Purchase Mines Stock Summary Dashboard Change
8)Add Functionality Utility Group -> OtherContactManagement add Filter NAME wise
9)Performance Improvement Journal Voucher/cashbook/chequebook  Tds Multipal Entry Change
10)Add New Dashboard Control Month Wise Qty Sale
11)Add New Dashboard Control Month Wise Qty Purchase
12)Display WorkOrderNo Sales In Pending List
13)Add Functionality User Rights Wise Show Data In Report
14)Order Management List Display Create time
15)Add Functionality Diesel Stock Summary Report Owner name wise qty and amount total
16)Add Functionality Customer Wise Filter in Royalty Bill List page
17)Add Functionality All Company Wise Create bank
18)Add Functionality GST no add option in generate manual bill to select other customer
19)Performance Improvement manual bill
20)Add Functionality Lease Wise ton limit Chek in Sale
21)Salary Detail Report Show Bank Detail For Employee/Company Filtration
22)Calculate Salary Report Company Filtration
Version 40.0 - 24/10/2019
1)Add Functionality In Day To Day Vehicle Hours Report Vehicle Type wise Show Data
2)Add Functionality In GenerateBill,ManualBill,CartingBill Create Bill All Company Wise
3)Add Functionality Diesel stock summary report Display Owner Name
4)Add Functionality Header Fix on Scrolling In Daily Report
5)Add New Dashboard Control Total Item Wise Sales
6)Add New Report Royalty Register Report
7)Add Functionality Delete Record in Audit Report
=>Site transfer In
=>Site transfer Out
=>Vehicle Hour
=>Vehicle Service Mgmt.
=>Vehicle Tare Weight
=>Driver Wise Trip
=>Vehicle Wise fix Average
=>Vehicle Work Type
8)Add Functionality User Rights Wise Show Data In Report
=>Broker Wise Sales Report
=>Crusher Wise Sale Report
=>Customer Site Wise Detail Report
=>Customer Site Wise Vehicle Summary Report
=>Customer Wise Vehicle Summary Report
=>Daily Report Format2
=>Daily Report
=>Dispatch Detail Report
=>Dispatch Report
=>Dispatch Detail Report Without Amount
=>Loader Report
=>Loader Report Format2
=>Loader Summary Report
=>Material Issue Report Restricted
=>Sales Statement Report
=>Sales Summary Report
=>Site Wise Summary Report
=>Sales Report Format2
=>Site Wise Summary Report
9)Add Quantity Wise Item Wise Sales Dashboard Total Ton
10)Performance Improvement Daily Report ,Sales Statement Report
Version : 39.0 -04/10/2019
1)Check Box Wise Display detail Bank report
2)Check Box Wise Display Average Rate And Amount Sales Summary Report
2)Check Box Wise Rate And amount Display Sales Report
3)Add New Functinality Tokoen Base Work Order In Sale Page
4)Gate Open Api In Sale
5)Order Base Gate open Api
6)Add Collection Target In Target Module/Target Report
Version : 38.0 -17/09/2019
1)Display Material Slip No checkbox Wise In Sales Report.
2)Perfomance Improvement in Sale In Pages.
3)Add Lease Edit Option In Purchase Out Page.
4)Check Royalty Pass No Lease Wise in Sale.
5)Diesel In/Out Bind Fuel Type Based on Setting.
6)Add Combine Format and Grid Wise Format In Billing Report.
7)Add Sumbmit And Next Button In Direct Sale Setting Base.
8)Check Box Wise Display Summary Daily Report Format 2.
9)Add Rate In Store Out Entry and Effect in Issue Register Store Report.
10)Add New Dashboard Control Sale.
11)Add Vehicle No in Issue Register Of Store Report and Issue Register Of Store Report Format 2.
12)User Wise Company in GSTR Report For Purchase,GSTR Report For Sales,Purchase Bill Detail Report,Bank Report.
13)Perfomance Improvement in Store Bill Report and Store Bill Detail Report.
Version 37.0 -04/09/2019
1)Search Employee Status Wise in Employee List Page.
2)Display Quantity in Store Out List Page.
3)Display Vehicle Inventory Detail in Vehicle Report.
4)Upload Data Using Excel Sheet in Site Transfer,Diesel In,Diesel Out.
5)Display Only Pending Order in Order Management Dashborad Control.
6)Pefomance Improvement in Order Management Report.
7)Add New Module Target Management and Target Vs Achivement Report.
8)Add New Functinality Vehicle Services Reminder Day Wise.
9)Add Copy Joneral Voucher Option in Joneral Voucher Entry.
10)Cash/Credit Type and Time Wise Filtration in Cash bill report.
11)Submit and Next Button Functionality in Direct Site Transfer Setting Base.
12)Verticle Format Wise Diesel Stock in Diesel Report.
13)From Crusher wise Filtration in Site Transfer Report.
14)Active/Inactive option in Bank Module and It's effect in checquebook,contra Entry.
15)Add Remark Field in Customer Limit.
16)Display Work Order Based on Setting in Sale In/Auto Sale Page.
Version 36.0 -20/08/2019
1)Add Loader Bill GST Changes and it's Effect in Accounting Group Report.
2)Add PO Number Functionality in Generate Bill and Manual Bill.
3)Display City Name In Party Out standing Report.
4)Column Order Format Change in Dispatch Detail Report.
5)Update Lease Functionality in Dispatch Detail Report.
6)Perfomance Improvement in Top5 /Bottam 5 Sale DashBoard Control.
7)Display Diesel Quantity in All Carting Agent Report.
8)Vehicle Type Wise Filteration in Dispatch Detail Report.
9)Add Material Slip No Column In Update Net Weight Report.
10)Display Company Name in Royalty Bill List.
11)Display Party Statement in Generate Bill List Page.
12)Update Carting Agent Functionality in Purchase Goods Report.
13)Display IGST,SGST,CGST Column Checkbox Wise in Billing Report.
14)Add Site Transfer Option in Loader Report Format 2.
15)Add Filtration (Hours Wise /Present Wise ) in Attendance Report.
16)Customer Wise Royalty Rate Effect in:Generate Bill,Manual Bill,Royalty Bill.
17)Display DC No in Royalty Bill Print.
Version : 35.0 -29/07/2019
1)Display Pending Sale Out List In Sale Pages.
2)Add New Modue For Supplier Wise Moisture and Its Effect in Purchase Group.
3)Ledger Report change Export to Excel Remove CR/DR in amount Is Display 0 balance check box wise.
4)Fix Royalty Tax Changes in Manual Bill and Prints.
5)Qty Wise Update in Update Net Weight Report.
6)Add GST Tax Percentage Column In GSTR Purchase Report.
7)Add Fix Royalty Tax in Royalty Bill and Prints.
8)Display Ton Wise Top 5 Customer/Bottom 5 Customer Table View Button Wise Display in Dashboad.
9)City And Group Wise Filtartion Party Wise OutStanding Summary Report.
10)Add New Report Date Wise Purchase Goods Report.
11)Add Remark in Vendor PO Print.
12)Display All Ledger in Store Bill Based On Settting.
13)Add New Report Update Employee Shift Report.
14)Add OM Metals Online and Mahadev Metal Bill Print.
15)Display Driver Name,Licence No and Mobile No Depends On vehicle Number in all sales pages.
Version : 34.0 -15/07/2019
1)Add Department Wise Filteration in Calculate Salary Report and Salary Detail Report.
2)Group Wise Filteration in Daily Report.
3)Add Daily Report in Customer Login Module.
4)Add New Report All Carting Agent.
5)Send Closing Balance in SMS Customer Wise Setting Base.
6)Display Balance in Bank And Cash Account in Contra Entry Page.
7)Add New Report HSN Wise Summary.
8)Add New Functionality Forgot Password.
9)Improve Perfomance in Customer And Item Wise Average Rate Report.
10)Improve Perfomance in Customer Wise Billing Statement Report.
11)Improve Perfomance in Loader Report Format 2 Report.
12)Improve Perfomance in Customer Site Wise Vehicle Summary Report.
13)Improve Perfomance in RPass Report.
14)Add New Report Pending GRN For Store Bill.
15)Add Remarks Filed in Vendor PO Module.
16)Add New Functionality Generate Vendor PO Then Send Mail To Vendor.
17)Add New DashBoard Control Apporve Vendor PO.
18)Add New Functionality Create Vendor PO From Purchase Indent.
19)Deisplay Zero Balance Amount Leadger in Ledger Reprot and Export To Excel Cr/Dr Not Display.
Version 33.0 - 26/06/2019
1)Add New Module Vehicle Type Wise Loader Rate
2)Add New Report Day To Day Crushing Report.
3)Add Purchase/ Sale Lease Filtration in Stock Report.
4)Daily Purchase Summary Report Vehicle Wise.
5)Add New Report Daily Marketing Activity.
6)Add New Loader Summary Report.
7)Add New Tally Bill Format Print.
8)Add Designation wise Filter in Salary Detail Report and Calculate Salary Report.
Version Version 32.1 - 20/06/2019
1)Add New Format of 3 B Report Summary.
2)Purchase Request Module Item Name AutoComplete.
3)Add New Print Format 2 copy of Laser Print in Sale & Purchase.
4)Add New Report Purchase Bill Detail Report.
Version 32.0 - 06/06/2019
1)Add New Functionality Diesel Entry Fuel Type Wise.
2)Fuel Type Wise FiltrationDiesel Report and Diesel Detail Report.
3)Add New Purchase WeightBridge Multiple Print Option Setting Base.
4)Perfomance Improvement in Purchase Goods Report .
5)Add Manual DC No Setting Base In Purchase.
6)Bill Outstanding Amount changes in Generate Bill,Manual Bill,Carting Bill Print.
7)Optimise Dashboard Control
   Item Wise Sales,Carting,Store,Site Transfer,Purchase Summary,Purchase Carting.
Version 31.0 - 22/05/2019
1)Add New Module Notification.
2)Add New Print Functionality Customer wise Print in Sale/Purchase.
3)Add Company Wise Filteration in Sales Month Wise Summary Report.
4)Add New Functionality For Lock Financial Year.
5)Add New Report Day to Day Vehicle Average.
6)Improve perfomance in Royalty Bill.
7)Add New Filteration in Purchase Goods Reprot,Dispatch Detail Report.
8)Add New Functionality Add To Favourite.
9)Add Submit And Next Button in Diesel in And Diesel Out Module.
10)Add New Report Vehicle And Customer Carting.
11)Add Narration Filed in Generate Bill Manual Bill.
12)Display Company Wise Data in Diesel Out Ward Dashboard Control.
13)Auto weight Functionality in Direct Site Transfer Setting Base.
14)Add Company Wise Filteration in Diesel Report.
14)Display Company Wise Data in Diesel in Ward DashBoard Control.
15)Add New Module Vehicle Wise Work Type and it's effect in Vehicle Hour Entry.
16)Add New DashBord Control Contractor Wise Purchase.
17)Add New Dashboard Control Customer Wise Dispatch Summary.
18)Change Password Functionality in Customer Login.
19)Create Direct Purchase API.
20)Add New Report Update Carting Agent Rate.
21)Add New Sale Print Tax Format.
Version 30.0
1)Is Display Crating Agent Setting Base In Purchase
2)Is Display Crating Loader Setting Base In Purchase
2)Add functionality For Overload In Purchase
3)Add functionality Is Bind Item Purchaser Wise In Purchase
4)Add functionality Submit And Next Button In Direct Purchase
5)Add functionality Check Store Bill No Supplier Wise Lease Wise And Finasyear wise
6)Add functionality Blasting Summary hole wise in Blasting Report
7)Add New Report Find Wrong Time Report
8)Add New Module Transport Bill
9)Add functionality Jason API for Sale in and sales out
10)Add functionality Order management with QR code
11)Add New Report Carting summary Report
12)Add New Report Group Detail Report
13)Add New Report Customer And Item Wise Average Rate Report
14)Add New Report Day to Day Vehicle Hours Report Report
15)Add functionality Ton and Quantity Wise Display in Sales Month Wise Summary
16)Perfomance Improvement in Attendance Report.
17)Perfomance Improvement in Generate Bill,Manual Bill,Royalty Bill
18)Change Delivary challan No and Ticket Number automatically Database side in Purchase Form.
Version 29.0
1)Display Top 5 Sale And Bottom 5 Sale In Chart Format.
2)Add Date Wise Filteration functionality in Pending Sale Out List Page.
3)Add Customer wise Logo Functionality In company Master.
4)Add Lease Wise filtration and Is Display 0 NetWt Detail Summary Checkbox Wise in Daily Report.
5)Item Wise Filter Functionality in Purchase Date wise Summary Report.
6)Add new setting for checquebook entry for reconciliation wise.(can not enter amount from existing amount to higher or lower amount)
7)OverLoad Entry In Sale based on setting flag.
8)Add Functionality in sale in customer wise site,display Loader,display crusher setting base.
9)Add new Repotet Purchase Month wise Summary Report.
10)Display Royalty bill height and OutStanding In Carting Invoice Print based on setting flag.
11)Add New Profitability Report.
12)Add New Costing Detail Of Consignment Report.
13)Display Material Slip No,DC NO,Carting Agent,Driver Mobile Number in Sale Based on Setting.
12)Default set Loader and Crusher in Sale based on Setting.
13)Add Credit /Debit Note Entry Report.
14)Add New Module Driver Wise Trip.
15)Add Functionality Display Data Supplier Net Weight wsie in Purchase Daily Report.
16)Add Check Box Is Display Only Summary & Is Display Supplier Net Wt in Crusher Report.
17)Add Functionality site Wise Party Rate.
- Effect in Generate Bill,Manual Bill,Royalty Bill,Sales Entry Pages.
- Perfomance Improvement in:
- Report: Daily Report,Dispatch Detail Report,Sales Summary Report,Sales Statement Report,
  Month wise Item Summary Report,Update Material Rate Report,Sales Statement Format2 Report.
- DashBoard : Item Wise Sales,Quantity wise Item wise Sales
18)Add New Module Vehicle Wise Fix Average.
19)Add New Report Item Cum Party Wise Sales.
Version 28.0
1)Add Functionality Date And Item Wise Filtration In Store In And Store Out list Page
2)Add New Report Bill OutStanding Aging Report
3)Display Ton Purchase In Meter Usgae Report
3)Display Previous Km And Ave in Diesel In Entry
4)Add Functionality Royalty Name Wise Filter in Dispatch detail Report
5)Auto Entry in CashBook via Deposite Royalty.
6)Purchase Item Code Compulosary In Purchase Item Based on setting
7)Add New SMS Balance Control
8)Add New Report Ledger Summary Report
9)Add New Report 3B For GST Report
10)Add Functionality Send Daily Auto Sms hours Wise
11)Add Functionality SaleIn And SaleOut Print Customer Wise
12)Add Functionality Generate Bill,Manual Bill,Royalty Bill,Carting Bill Print Setting Base.
13)Add New Module Party Wise Royalty Rate
14)Add Functionality Auto Entry in Store Bill throw vehicle service Management.
15)Add Callup Reminder Dashboard Control
16)Add Functionality two or three decimal point Wise Create All Bill
17)Add Functionality Attendance Hour Wise Same
18)Add Functionality CashBook Book Report Show Detail Filtration Wise.
19)Add new field Credit Days and Owner Name in Customer.
20)Add Functionality Display Creditdays and Owner Name Column in Payment Due Report and Open Ledger Detail Report Click on Customer Name.
21)Add Functionality Profit and Loss Report Click on Customer Name and Open Ledger Detail Report.
Version 27.0
1)Vehicle Service Reminder Based on Setting
2)Add Bill In Journal Voucher Entry
3)Add TDS Effect In Journal Voucher Entry
4)Display Lease And Lease Wise and Date Wise Filteration In Blasting & Drilling Master 5)Display Cash Type Quantity and Amount In Cash Sale Control
6)Display BillNo In Cheque Print Based on Setting
7)Add GST No, Tax ,PAN No, Adhar No In Contractor Management
8)Vehicle and Date Wise Filtration In Diesel In List
9)Display Total Category Wise In Stock Statement of Store Report and Format 2 10)Auto Weight In Direct Purchase Based on Setting
11)Add New Cashbook Print
12)Do not Change Tare Weight In Purchase Based on Setting
13)PAN No and Adhar No in Employee Master
14)Display Unit Type In Customer Wise Rate In Customer List Page
15)Add Driver Name In Diesel In Entry
16)Category And Sub Category Wise Filteration In Category Master
17)Category Wise Filteration In Purchase Master
18)Send Mail as pdf of Vendor PO
19)Display Customer Mobile No, Royalty Name,SSP No, Rate and Amount In Sale Out Print Based on Setting
20)Bind Tare Weight Based on Vehicle In Sale Pages Based on Setting
21)Display Royalty Name Based on checkbox In Sales Report
22)Display Height, Width and Lenth Based on checkbox In Royalty Bill Print
23)Add Item Wise Minimum Maximum Stock Summary Report
24)Add TDS Receivable Report
25)Add Menu Setting Module
26)Add TDS Payable Report
27)Add Bank Reconciliation Report
28)Add Cheque Voucher Opening Module
29)Send Sms of Site Mobile No in Sale Entry Based on Setting
30)Item and Date Wise Filteration In store In and Store Out List
31)Display Purchase Ton of Crusher Configuration In Meter Usage Report
Version 26.0
1)Display Site Address Based On Setting In Royalty Bill
2)Date And Vehicle No wise Filtration In Vehicle Hour List
3)Display Quantity And Supplier Name In Store Inward Report
4)Add Vehicle Minimum Value In Vehicle Master
5)Add Vehicle Minimum Value In Vehicle Hour Entry
6)Add Effect of Vehicle Minimum Value In Vehicle Report
7)Item Wise Filtration In Item List
8)User Wise Filtration In User List
9)Fill Expence Category Based on Customer Type In Customer Entry
10)Display Stock of Diesel In Diesel Out Entry Based On Setting
11)Do not Entry Submit If Diesel Is Out Of Stock
12)Display Dispatch Trip In Order Management List
13)Send SMS of Meter Usage Based on Setting
14)Send SMS of Diesel Out Based On Setting
15)Display Royalty Weight In Royalty Bill
16)Display Quantity, Rate And Item Name of Royalty Bill In Sales Register Report
17)Display 0 Balance Amount Based On Setting In Payment Due Report
Version 25.0
1)Add New Row Functionality In Store In
2)Display Work Order Based On Setting In Sale Entry
3)Add Item Based on Ton or Quantity In Side Transfer Entry Page
4)Display HSN Code In Manual Bill
5)Display GST No In Sale Out Print
6)Display Unit Type In Supplier Wise Rate
7)Display Vehicle Wise Summary In Carting Detail Report
8)Display Rate Ton or Quantity Wise In Carting Bill
9)Add New Proof of Delivery Report
10)Cash/Credit Effect of Royalty Bill
11)Date and Vehicle Wise Filtration In Vehicle Hour List
12)Add New Module Employee Designation
13)Add Employee Designation In Employee Entry
14)Employee Designation and Employee Name Wise Filtration In Employee List
15)Item Wise Filtration In Item List
16)User Wise Filtration In User List
17)Display Quantity And Supplier Name In Store Inward Report
18)Display Site Address In Royalty Bill Based on Setting
19)Display Diesel Stock Based On setting
20)If Diesel Stock Is Less than Do Not Entry In Diesel Out
21)Display Prefix of Bill Based on Setting
22)Display Quantity or Ton Wise Data In Vehicle Carting Report
22)Display Quantity or Ton Wise Data In All Carting Agent Report
23)Display Pending Trip and Pending Quantity In Order Management List
24)Send SMS of Meter Usage Based on Setting
25)Display Memo Type In Royalty Bill Based on Setting
26)Display Tax and Setting Sale Related Based on Customer Type In Account Master
27)Expense Category Auto Select of Sale, Purchase And Cash Account Type
28)Add Bank Details, Contact Person Name And Contact No In Account Master
29)Add Bank Details In Employee Master
Version 24.0
1)Add New Row Functionality In Store In
2)Display Work Order Based On Setting In Sale Entry
3)Add Item Based on Ton or Quantity In Side Transfer Entry Page
4)Display HSN Code In Manual Bill
5)Display GST No In Sale Out Print
6)Display Unit Type In Supplier Wise Rate
7)Display Vehicle Wise Summary In Carting Detail Report
8)Display Rate Ton or Quantity Wise In Carting Bill
9)Add New Proof of Delivery Report
10)Cash/Credit Effect of Royalty Bill
11)Date and Vehicle Wise Filtration In Vehicle Hour List
12)Add New Module Employee Designation
13)Add Employee Designation In Employee Entry
14)Employee Designation and Employee Name Wise Filtration In Employee List
15)Item Wise Filtration In Item List
16)User Wise Filtration In User List
17)Display Quantity And Supplier Name In Store Inward Report
18)Display Site Address In Royalty Bill Based on Setting
19)Display Diesel Stock Based On setting
20)If Diesel Stock Is Less than Do Not Entry In Diesel Out
21)Display Prefix of Bill Based on Setting
22)Display Quantity or Ton Wise Data In Vehicle Carting Report
22)Display Quantity or Ton Wise Data In All Carting Agent Report
23)Display Pending Trip and Pending Quantity In Order Management List
24)Send SMS of Meter Usage Based on Setting
25)Display Memo Type In Royalty Bill Based on Setting
26)Display Tax and Setting Sale Related Based on Customer Type In Account Master
27)Expense Category Auto Select of Sale, Purchase And Cash Account Type
28)Add BankDetails, Contact Person Name And Contact No In Account Master
29)Add BankDetails In Employee Master
Version 24.0
1)Add Narration In Diesel Out
2)Add Narration In Side Transfer
3)Add Royalty Weight Vehicles Type
4)Add Vehicle Document Functionality
5)Add New Account Confirmation Letter
6)Add New Non-Operative Expense Report
7)Add User Wise Rights Report
8)Add Plant In Secondary Crusher
9)Add ItemCode and Maximum Quantity In Purchase Item
10)Add Plant In Secondary Crusher
11)Add Diesel Out Vertical Print Based On Setting
12)Add New Module Customer Priority
13)Display Customer priority Wise In Daily Report
14)Send Mail And SMS for Vehicle Reminder Setting Based
15)Add Unit Type In Vehicle Master
16)Display Company Detail Based On Setting In Sale Out Print
17)Display Company Detail Based On Setting In Sale Out Original Print
18)Add New Report Machine History Report
19)Add New Report On Account Entry Report
20)Add New Report Party Wise OutStanding Report
21)Calculation of Quantity In Brash, Cubic meter And Cubic Feet Based on Item
22)Add Invoice Customer In Carting Bill
23)Effect Of Invoice Customer of Carting Bill In Accounting Group
24)All Required Columns, Display Quantity, Display Vehicle Wise Summary In Carting Detail Report
25)Add Vendor Po In Return Material and Add Print Functionality of Return Material
26)Add Effect of Diesel And maintenance Log Sheet Entry In Store Bill
27)Display GST No of Customer In Sale Out Print and Sale Out Original Print
28)Display Unit Type In Supplier Wise Rate
29)Send Mail of Bill Generate time Based On Setting
30)Discount And GST Tax Item Wise In Store In
31)Display Work Order No In Sale Based On Setting
32)Add New Credit/Debit Note Module
33)Add Customer Login Module
34)Add New Report Dispatch Detail Report of Customer Login
35)Add New Report Sales Report of Customer Login
36)Add New Report Billing Report of Customer Login
37)Add New Report Ledger Detail Report of Customer Login
38)Add New Dashboard Item Wise Sales of Customer Login
39)Add Order Management Module of Customer Login
41)Add GST Tax In Store In Entry
42)Bulk Bill Quantity Wise
Version 23.1.0
1)Add New Report Month Wise Item Summary Report
2)Add New Row Functionality In Store In Entry
Version 23.0.0
1)Change Password Functionality
2)Add New Report All Vehicle Wise Report Format 2
3)Count of Sale In Print Based on Setting
4)Vendor Wise filteration In Vendor PO List
5)Display Quantity of Total In Store Inward Report Format 2
6)Vehicle Wise filteration In Vehicle List
7)Vehicle Wise filteration In Issue Register Of Store Report
8)Add New Functionality In Store Bill
Version 22.0.0
1)Add GST Tax in Vendor Po
2)Add Vehicle No and Remark In Store In
3)Revise Functionality In Quotation
4)Display Site Kilometer In Sale Out Print Based on setting
5)Add New Report GSTR Report For Purchase
6)Add New Report GSTR Report For Sale
7)Add New Report Vehicle Report Format 2
8)Add Effect of GST Tax In Carting Bill
9)Send Mail Depends on Own Mail ID
10)Generate Manual Bill Ton or Qty Wise
Version 21.0.0
1)Display Vat,Add Vat,CST Based On CheckBox In Billing Report
2)Display Vehicle Hour Entry Based on checkbox In Vehicle Report
3)Add Quantity Wise Purchase Dashboard Control
4)Display GST No In Vendor PO Print
5)Add Barrier Wise Sales Entry
6)Display GST Tax in Quotation Print
Version 20.0.0
1)Add Time Wise filtration In Dispatch Detail Report
2)Add GST Effect In Manual Bill
3)Add GST Effect In Royalty Bill
4)Display Columns Based on checkbox In Purchase Goods Report With Rate
5)Add Item Wise GST Tax
6)Add Effect of Item Wise GST Tax In Manual Bill
Version 19.0.0
1)Add Unit Type In Item Master
2)Display Royalty PassNo, Royalty Weight In Sale and Purchase Entry Based on Item Configuration
3)Display Weight or Quantity In Sale and PurchaseEntry Based on Item Configuration
4)Display Unit Type In Quotation
5)Bind Item Based on Item Configuration In Order Management
6)Display Report Based on Qunatity In Sales Group Report
7)Royalty Bill Based on Delivery Chalan No
8)Lease Wise filtration In Royalty Group Report